Thursday, June 5, 2008

. . . more education!

All day today, I was on a course (downtown on Cooper St.), entitled 'Work/Life Balance'. I took the course because I know I tend to spend too much time working. The timing of this course was a bit strange, as I have not been at work since mid-May. I did realize, however, that being a student also presents its own 'balance' challenges. It turned out to be a wonderful day, where I learned lots of great strategies. And, surprisingly, very few of the participants were really super-stressed. One person commented on that, and another suggested that those who are really stressed would not take time for a course like this!

Julie is coming on Saturday and we are going to have a marathon girls' weekend. It actually will not be the whole weekend, as Julie has comittments at home in Montreal on Sunday. Our plan is to see the Sex and the City movie, and then dissect it over Cosmopolitans. For those unfamiliar with it, SATC was a long-running television series about four friends in New York City. Sex and the City is the name of the lead character's newspaper column.

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